The contract closed in 2019 contains three key improvements. To keep it short and simple: The benefits of the SCE members have been expanded.
Further information is available for SCE members - or will be provided by SCEs office upon request.
Cyber threats represent some of the greatest challenges facing all sectors at the moment, and this will continue to be so in the future.
President Swiss Cyber ExpertsIBM Switzerland
Expert networks linking government and private are an increasingly key requirement.
Vice President Swiss Cyber ExpertsNational Cyber Security Centre NCSC, MELANI
In fact, some aggressors are usually slightly more advanced than the defense. Given the global nature of the threat, local networks, rapid exchange of information, and proven cooperation are critical to a successful response to cyber attacks.
Vice President Swiss Cyber ExpertsOneconsult AG
Your circle of trust is your most important resource in cybersecurity.
CISO Swiss Post GroupSwiss Post