The misuse of cyberspace by sophisticated electronic means presents business and government agencies with new, constantly evolving threats and dangers in the areas of espionage, sabotage and crime.
Cybercrime is getting more and more professional and international, which makes a diagnosis and any appropriate reaction highly demanding indeed. Switzerland is a target aggressors really like. The result are monetary or personal damages that can be rather serious. Swiss Cyber Experts offers know how providing at least a diagnosis and appropriate measurements to avoid further incidents as far as possible.
Swiss Cyber Experts works for victims of cyber incidents who require expertise beyond their own resources. Hereby, SCE limits it’s free of charge efforts on diagnosis.
Swiss Cyber Experts makes it possible for privately managed companies and government agencies to access highly specialised experts in the event of a cyber incident. Either side – government and private – benefit from the learnings of a diagnosis. Yet, SCE does not communicate publicly about incidents affecting third parties.
Swiss Cyber Experts is made up of a pool of highly qualified experts in the ICT industry, private companies and academia. The association coordinates their analysis work and protects the client’s anonymity.
The primary contact is MELANI: Optionally, the SCE office may be contacted directly. SCE will thereafter pass the information to MELANI .
The Tech Talk #1 2023 was a success - certainly for the experts attending it.
The SCE office spoke the workshop leader, Stefan Rothenbühler, Senior Cyber Security Analyst at InfoGuard AG, prior to Tech Talk #1, 2020.
Bei IT-Angriffen arbeiten Kriminelle hochprofessionell und hervorragend vernetzt zusammen. Das sollte auch die Gegenseite tun. Pascal Lamia von MELANI und Tobias Ellenberger von Oneconsult erklären, wie das gelingen kann» – Ein Interview über...
Cyber threats represent some of the greatest challenges facing all sectors at the moment, and this will continue to be so in the future.
President Swiss Cyber ExpertsIBM Switzerland
Expert networks linking government and private are an increasingly key requirement.
Vice President Swiss Cyber ExpertsNational Cyber Security Centre NCSC, MELANI
In fact, some aggressors are usually slightly more advanced than the defense. Given the global nature of the threat, local networks, rapid exchange of information, and proven cooperation are critical to a successful response to cyber attacks.
Vice President Swiss Cyber ExpertsOneconsult AG
Your circle of trust is your most important resource in cybersecurity.
CISO Swiss Post GroupSwiss Post